Ladies and Gents, it's official. We have won the Fluevog Creative competition! I cannot express the joy I am feeling right now— not only did we win, but we grabbed over 63% of the vote! Thank you so very much for your votes, your encouragement and all the wonderful messages and emails I've received. It's a great feeling to win something I've wanted, but to have had the support I've gotten— wow. I feel truly honoured. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I need to go jump up and down, then get some sleep for tomorrow, as I'm off to visit my sister Natasha in Dubai. I can't wait!
yay! Glad I voted everyday. Enjoy Dubai. I'm off to Virginia on Sunday.
nice post
Work From Home
Congrats Samantha! And look you even plugged moly_x! Awesome!
Congrats! it is well deserved!! xx
Thank you so much, divadeiwob, Chris, kanishk, Tim and Isabelle!
congratulations, samanthat. so very proud!
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