Huddled under blankets, squinting my young eyes over small type in the dim evening light, I ruined my eyesight with Ancient Greek myths and legends. I knew Orpheus' tragic loss by heart, and how he braved the underworld to try and mend it, I giggled at Zeus' imaginative transformations in seduction attempts, and I felt sorry for the cuckolded Hephaestus.
Over the years, I have forgotten many of the stories that thrilled and entertained me so much as a little girl, but the fascination with Ancient Greece has never waned. Well my friends, I find myself at this very moment, in a long overdue visit to its capitol, Athens. I've somehow never made it to Athens, and it just so happens that Rigas and Nik, two of my dear friends from The Cairo Days, live in this little city. I've known Rigas and Nik since I was fifteen, but we haven't seen each other in fourteen years. It's wild to think that the last time we hung out, I was only seventeen!
Well I'm about to run off to the seaside and talk Rigas' ear off.
See you back in Istanbul!