There is so much I could say about the sight of these two storks balanced in their enormous, improbable nest atop that pole— but I feel that every word fails to accurately describe the feeling I felt inside me. Everyone should look into the eye of a stork in their lifetime.
Hey, I've followed your posts on urbansketchers. Great see to see a regular sketcher in Turkey, especially who sticks around.
I'm sorry I've missed some of the previous sketch outings, might I suggest one in the coming months in Yildiz Parki? It's beautiful in springtime.
Hi Evan!
Most definitely— a Yildiz Parki outing is in order! Perhaps next Sunday or so...
Cool picture! Out of curiosity does the sign that's lower on the pole have something to do with the birds?
beautiful photo.
I should be available Sunday. Let me see if I can rustle up some friends too....
Thank you I/M— I actually don't know what the sign says :)
Thanks Ms. Lightningbug!
Evan, let's keep the plan open— I'm not sure what might develop as the week progresses. You can visit my website szaza.com and email me by hitting "contact."
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