In the blistering, Mediterranean sun, these ladies were shucking and drying corn for chicken feed.
I love the combination of floral patterns in their clothing— when I think of traditionally-dressed Nepali women, I remember their wild, adventurous exploration of colour. Turkish villagers may not wear flowing scarves of cerulean and magenta, but they do have an appreciation for everything floral. I have noticed a shift in my wardrobe since moving overseas— there are flowers growing in my closet, and I find myself more often in chartreuse, electric pink and turquoise.
The cheerfulness with which these ladies were working was inspiring.
The warmth with which they greeted me was beautiful.
Great portraits!!!
The images in your abandonned post are amazing too.
Thank you so much, Sue!
The ladies wouldn't look at the camera, though they were happy to have their pictures taken. I rather like the portraits this way, like I caught them in the midst of their work.
I am a native Turkish guy, living in İstanbul and I have been to Fethiye, Olympos etc. so many times. Since I started to follow your blog, I've noticed that I have been just passing through the life without seeing its beauty hidden in the details most of the time. For example, I am drinking about 5-10 glasses of tea&coffee every day but never think of the shapes of the glasses or cups. The routine pace of the daily life is blinding me I think. On the others hand, I consider your blog as a window to the life, a window that re-builds the space&time with its details to have a look at in relief. I think it might be a good way to chase your footprints to live İstanbul and the Mediterranean coast of the Turkey in a much more sufficient way than I am doing right now. To conclude, I'd like to thank you again for sharing your valuable gatherings in this platform.
My goodness, thank you so much, Bora! Sometimes what we see every day escapes our notice.
I love your pictures. You have an eye for detail
Thanks so much, Omar!
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