When going to Spain is simply matter of crossing a bridge, it's ridiculously tempting to cross that bridge. While staying the night in Vila Real de Santo António, we decided to have dinner in Ayamonte, Spain, just on the other side of the Rio Guadiana. Suddenly, there's wailing flamenco music on the radio, the lispy s, and obrigada becomes gracias.
Mind you, these are not the nicest photos (my camera was still having issues with focusing and adjusting to light), but our meal was quite tasty. We dined on ray in paprika sauce, fried cuttlefish, fried anchovies, and hake roe, drank two beers, and headed back to Portugal.

Even though the pictures didn't turn out the way you wanted them to...they are making me hungry! The food there must be so good :)
It was good, but I tell you, it was no match for the feasts I've had on the other side of the river in Portugal! :)
Hi ! I wish you are going to Granada one day because if would be a shame for this city not to be sketched and photographed by you ! So, in order to wet your mouth, here is my modest blog : http://alhambracadabra.blogspot.com.es/ Please, book your trip ! haha
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