We drove until Ayvalık, which happened to come upon us as the sun excused itself, weaving up and down narrow, crooked roads in search of a place to stay that we could afford. Eventually we found a bed in a restored cottage that I cannot remember the name of, and settled in.

As it was an old house, there were drafts which seemed hell-bent on interrupting our sleep, but we were soon revived by one of the best free breakfasts I have ever had in Turkey. What pushed this one past the warm feeling I still have from last year's Ayder breakfast, was a thyme omelette and a pool of Ayvalık's famous olive oil— perfect for drowning that ubiquitous, bland bunny bread in.

We set out for a little wander, content and warmed by several glasses of çay, squinting under the Aegean sun.
Hello :)
I follow your blog and enjoy it very much. I really like the first picture of this post. Can I use it as a photo reference for my watercolours? I don't sell my pictures, so nothing commercial. And I'll definetly give your blog's address when I post my painting to my blog. Thanks in advance :)
Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much, Yasemin!
You may use my photo as a reference, and I appreciate you giving me credit for the image.
I look forward to seeing your painting!
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