Married life is just the same lovely life as it was before the wedding, but with a new ring and new words like husband, and wife. Our wedding was sweet, simple, and quick— were it not for the photos I could swear it was all just a dream. I don't know how I got so lucky.

I left you in Urfa last, where I still have a lot of photos to share and dare I say, some sketches as well. I also have a few photos from Portugal, and these I took in Istanbul yesterday. When you put a pause on certain things like blogging, life speeds away and it gets hard to keep a sense of coherence. I still have not shared much of last summer in Nepal (which was full of amazing things), but alas, time has slipped right by me. This I should do soon, as I will be back beneath the Stupa's gaze before I know it.

So let's get back to Urfa after this post.
You both got lucky because you both deserve it.
Aw, thank you so much Sue :)
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