I am left without words, with a terrible pain in my chest. Yesterday morning as I was walking through Taksim Square, I saw a plane with its right engine on fire streak across the sky, a ring of debris floating to the ground. I was filled with dread, and thought of the terror the passengers and crew must be feeling, and spent the day hoping for their safety. When I returned home, I learned that TK1878 had landed safely, no one was injured, and I breathed.
Then I heard about Nepal.
As I clicked through news story after news story, and the emails in my inbox— panic. I tried calling my loved ones in Kathmandu, and the phone just kept ringing. I couldn't breathe.
Finally, I got a hold of Tsewang, one of my students. He assured me that everyone was safe, though his home in his village had collapsed. His aunties in Swayambhunath are safe. It was the middle of the night for him, so I told him to try and get some rest, and that Pedro and I love him.
Today I managed to contact Tsewang again, who told me that he was trying to help manage the situation. Everyone slept outside, they had some tents. Everyone was still safe. Many villages were destroyed. He then passed me to Shirley, the director of Shree Mangal Dvip. The school was substantially damaged; it is now unusable, and they are in desperate need of water. There was another aftershock that registered 6.7.
As soon as I can find a way to help them, I will let you know. Until then, please keep my kids and the people of Nepal in your hearts and thoughts.
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you and your students and am relieved to hear that all are ok.
When I heard the terrible news yesterday first thing to come to my mind was you and Pedro. I thought you were still in Nepal because your blog was not updated for a while. I know how you feel because I was in my home town Izmit during the 1999 earthquake. People of Nepal in our hearts and minds and we will help them any way we can.
Thank you both. Please keep sending the kids and the people of Nepal your good thoughts. I know they must be under such stress, fear, pain...
Thank you.
Hi Samantha, it's been a while, but I think of the kids at Shree Mangal Dvip often. So sorry that we are getting back in touch over this! But I am so glad to hear they survived the earthquake unharmed. Living in tents and in need of water is critical -- I'm praying for them and please let them know my thoughts are with them! Will follow your blog for updates and a way to help. Love, Kim
Thank you Kim, we hope they will remain safe and healthy. I will let you know if there is something we can do to help. With love, Samantha
I am so sorry, Samantha. When I heard the news of the earthquake, I immediately thought of you. Thinking of the children & staff at your school, & the other people struck by this.
Love & strength.
I have a friend from Kathmandu in California right now, she heard from some of her family last night they are ok, but she has not heard from all her relatives as they are living throughout the valley. I am glad that your friends are ok, I hope and pray that all have what they need for each day!
Thank you for your support, Ea and Raye. It is frustrating to be so far away, and not know where some people are... I am sick with worry.
After hearing about the earthquake, I thought about you, since your latest post was from the region. I'm glad to know you are safe and hope all your people as well!
Can it be two degrees of separation when I don't actually 'know' you?
When I first heard of the earthquake I thought of 'your' school and students. Glad to hear that they're OK and looking forward to finding out what help I can give...
Like many others, I thought of you and your beloved Nepali friends.
All I can do is donate through aid agencies, but I send good wishes to you.
Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words— please consider helping out the school if you can. There's more information in my latest post— any little bit helps!
Thank you.
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