I haven't been able to keep up with much this past year, but I am happy to report that I have survived the first year of motherhood! Baby is growing strong, using those fine chubby legs to walk and dance to Iggy Pop. There are kisses being blown, dogs getting barked at, and some sharp little teeth poking their way out for that grin I love so much. It has been hard though, being a working mum, but thankfully it's summer now.
I have done so little drawing and travelling that I haven't felt that I could add anything interesting or of value here. Sometimes it crossed my mind to write about my favourite baby soup recipes— I had no idea I could get so passionate about making baby food— but that's not what I want this blog to be. To be honest, I don't know what I want it to be, nor what it is anymore. In any case, I know that I have missed writing, and sharing my photographs and drawings with you.

So this is for the mums, new or not. At the end of each exhausting day, there's a little one who thinks the world of you. I am not known for my sense of humour, but I'm a riot to Baby. It's all pretty awesome.

Fernando Botero. Maternidade. 1999. Bronze. Jardim Amália Rodigues, Lisbon, Portugal.
Happy Birthday to your little girl!
Thank you for sharing your feelings on motherhood. Motherhood is a joyous, tiring, bewildering adventure.
Best to you and your family!
(Being a father/mother is really tough)
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