Like Turkey, Lebanon is a country of contrasts— women in headscarves walk past women in tube tops and miniskirts, modern blocky apartment buildings tower over ancient stone houses. French, English and Arabic is heard and read on the streets— almost every sign is in either one or all three languages. There is so much history in Lebanon with the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the French, Muslims, Christians and of course, the war. Everyone has their own personal story of survival, of trying to live as close to their normal life as possible, with rocket fire outside. When I first visited twelve years ago, there were more bullet ridden buildings by the airport than there are now. New apartment buildings, malls and shops (and of course, the inevitable Starbucks) have taken their place.
I had a wonderful time, there was always something to do and somewhere to go— drinks at a café, driving by the mountains, dancing at a club, shopping and of course, three hour long delicious lunches. There is nothing like a Lebanese mezze. Dish upon dish of cheeses, salads, hummus, moutabal, kibbeh, meat filled pastries, kebabs, fruit and soft warm Lebanese bread. There is so much more to eat and see, I feel like I've scratched the surface of the surface. The next trip will be a longer one, with more time to explore and sketch. And eat.


Taken at Harissa.

In Jounieh.

The Jeita grottos.

Taken in Jbail.

Looks like you had a lovely time! It looks not at all as I expected, I have no idea what I did expect though.
I did have a wonderful time, it's a very unusual and fascinating place.
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