After a little over a year, and passing through the hands of four artists in six countries, my Moleskine for Moly-X13 has come home. It's a surreal feeling; I remember ripping off the plastic wrapping and looking at the blank paper, wondering what on earth to draw. I was in my little apartment in San Francisco, sitting on my little Ikea sofa with a cup of tea when I picked up a pencil and drew the first lines. I recall the anxiety I felt when I handed over the package containing my book to the woman at the post office, hoping that it would make it safely to Anna Denise in the Netherlands. Now my book is in my hands, in Istanbul, where I did not imagine I nor it would be 15 months later.

Beautiful job. And I loved your blog too. Great pics and sketches.
That is so awesome, Zaza! Can I ask what happens with these once they're finished?
Thank you so much gamze, Kaushal and Wayne!
I'm not sure what happens just yet, I am going to try to get some of the completed books exhibited somewhere in Istanbul if I can.
What a gorgeous treasure...I know somewhat your feeling for your book...having participated in a simlar exchange myself...Truly spectacular! :) Congratulations on its return home! :)
that is just awesome, it really is. I don't think I've seen any finished ones yet. Great work.
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