This lady of mine will be in Tarragona at Espai Cromàtic for the DONA Showcase from December 12th– February 4th. DONA, Catalan for woman, is an illustration exhibition dedicated to the idea of woman. I am thrilled to have been invited by the good people of Espai Cromàtic to contribute a piece to this pool of talented artists. If you happen to be in town during the next two months, have a stop in the gallery and say hi for me!
My piece, titled "Hide," was drawn in India ink and coloured with touches of gouache. The background was stained with tea. Please click on the image to see it larger.
Espai Cromàtic
c/ Barcelona, 2
43004 Tarragona
I want to come to Istanbul just to see your work on display! That is fabulous......I love the ink drawing and the fact that the show honors women:)
I'd love to have one copy of this great work and hang it on my wall. It's masterpiece!
Thanks so much Nancy! Come visit any time :)
Thank you Fatih! I haven't found a place to get high-quality prints made in Istanbul yet— do you know of one?
Well, I don't know but i will search one!
This sketch is really beautiful!
This sketch is really beautiful! Is there anywhere to view your work online?
Thank you, Katherine!
If you look to the right, there is a link to my website, szaza.com.
You can also click on the "What I create" link on the upper right under "ART / APPETITE".
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