I've been a bit of a hermit lately. I'm in this stay-at-home-with-tea-and-thick-socks-on kind of mood. It's perfectly grey out, the best time to read— and I have fallen way short of my 12 books goal this year— but I've been drawing. I'm working on the largest ink drawing I have ever done, and while I've spent well over 20 hours on it, it's so detailed and large that I can't seem to see much progress. Plus, I'm drawing on the floor since I don't have a board or an easel, which is surprisingly exhausting.
Harika's one year anniversary is coming up in less than two weeks— I can't believe how quickly 2009 flew by! I'll have to mark the occasion with a cake or something. I've never been capable of keeping a diary or journal; I always start out with excitement and philosophical wanderings, then forget all about it. This has been the first time I've managed with relative frequency and dedication to document my life. It's been really fun.
Alright. Back to the drawing.

This is coming along gorgeously, from what I can see of it so far!
I'm the same way with journals and diaries, I just could never do it...my blog is neglected from time to time...but like you said in your post, it is way more consistant than anything else I'd done to previously keep track of my life :)
Can't wait to see the final product.
Thank you so much, Kelley!
Isn't it funny how journalling online makes such a difference? :)
This drawing is looking amazing.
The detail in this is awe-inspiring! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks so much Chris and Tim!
I keep looking at these images and thinking "I wish I were a hermit too"
Thanks Chris :)
You can do it! I can't wait to see more of your work.
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