Three illustrators awoke one morning and made their way through the quiet industrial jungle, towards a market of fleas.

At the market, a kind silver-haired man offered them a paper cone of sugary fried dough sticks in exchange for a couple of shiny coins.

The sweet golden treats were called churros, and were the finest to be had— crunchy and sugary on the outside, soft and warm on the inside. Our three illustrators gobbled them up with delight, as they wandered through the labyrinth of obsolete electronics, forgotten books and unwanted china.

Arabic, Catalan and Spanish filled the air like birdsong, as the three searched for treasures hidden beneath the heaps of stuff, struggling to find the tiniest piece of shade from the Mediterranean sun.

After bargaining with sun-browned wrinkled faces, our three set off in search of something delicious and cooling, a bowl of garlicky gazpacho, from a nearby café. As they selected the little table under the deer head, the lovely Julie appeared and joined the trio for the feast. The bowls were enormous, dripping with condensation from the warm air, and filled to the brim with the chilled soup. Satisfied and comfortably cool, the four stepped out into the afternoon, ready for their next adventure.

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