I miss my grandad terribly. I miss his crooked grin, I miss his laugh, I miss his hello. I miss his mountain of notes— tiny scraps of paper scrawled on in his own blend of Danish and English. I miss his colourful, often incomprehensible sayings and his honesty. "Treat someone the way you'd like to be treated" he'd say, deeply serious, with a wag of his finger.
My grandad taught me how to fish as a little girl, and humoured me when I wanted to take the tiny sparkling fish home as pets instead. We found bowls for the fish, filled them with tap water, and when the fish didn't survive, we buried them under the bush with the red berries in the front yard.
I have countless stories and memories that I will cherish with every molecule of my being, and every time I see Denmark spelled with an 'e', I'll remind myself of his great frustration with the English language and how it fouled up his beloved Danmark. The loss of my grandad weighs heavily in my life; he was one of my most favourite people in this world. As life rolls on— much as I wish it could stand still a moment or wind backward for a spell, I carry with me the memories and stories as comfort and joys. I am fortunate to have known such a wonderful man, such a unique and special human being— so lucky indeed, to have been his granddaughter.
Jeg elsker dig, morfar.

Dear Szaza I'm sure your granddad will stay with you in your heart forever, x Renilde
best life advice - treat others as you wish to be treated - now if i could only remember to do so all the time!!!!
cherish the memories
Thank you, Renilde and Barbara.
What a beautiful tribute. I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Jennifer.
What a lovely post -- I'm sure your grandfather would have been proud to read it. My sincere condolences for your loss. -Brie
Thank you so much, Brie.
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