Somehow I have to get a 4000 word essay done by May 15th while apartment hunting, working, and doing a variety of other unrelated things. My brain is over-saturated with thought, and I can't focus on sounding academic or summoning up the drive to read any more. I am tired of black type on white paper and screen, and so I've decided I am taking a break until Tuesday. I feel guilty; guilty for enjoying my time with friends and my art supplies. I know everything will ultimately come together, but goodness... I'll be so relieved once the paper is complete and I am sitting on the floor of my new apartment with a hot mug of tea.

it will all work out, nothing focuses (sp?) the mind better than procrastination - and you may find that while feeling guilty about taking time off from feeling overwhelmed the essay may already have written itself in your mind!
good luck
Thanks so much, Barbara— I needed that encouragement. I find essay writing so dull when it has to sound academic— it takes a totally different mindspace to write like that. Onward.
I think that its a good decision. You will relax and find new energy in doing things that you like.
Thank you Zita!
Nice photos!
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