Chillies, garlic, basil, peanuts... Oh my goodness, how I was in gastronomical heaven in Vietnam. River eel with banana in coconut sauce. Delicate soups scented with star anise, and phở-- my most favourite soup in the world. Phở is a noodle soup that in my belief, cures all ills. When I lived in San Francisco, there was this little Vietnamese restaurant around the corner from my apartment, which made a marvellous phở. Anytime I felt down, sick, or concerned about something, this delicious and comforting soup would melt away anything wrong. To have it in Vietnam, was to have an even more perfect perfection-- and I enjoyed it for breakfast with dumplings every day.

Fish soups were particularly yummy, and in the Mekong Delta, I even ate... a rat! I am not sure why I did not photograph the rat, but I did sketch it. It was pretty good, and a little rabbity.

A rat! You are so adventurous!
Haha— thanks, Julia!
I was having a chat with a man in the Delta about the rats who eat the coconut palms, and how he used to love eating them— the rats, that is. When I saw coconut rat on the menu at a restaurant, I thought, why not?
Well Tessa, there is that possibility that the rat was from the street. In fact, it is highly likely. Rats are not raised as far as I know, but caught. I just had to satisfy my curiosity‚ and I knew that if I didn't try it, I'd be left wondering why I didn't.
There were these sheep spinal cord and brain dishes I was offered in Lebanon once, and after learning what they were, I refused to taste either. I feel something akin to regret, wishing I had the guts to try the dishes. One day, when I return, I may find another marinaded nervous system in front of me, and then I'll have to take a bite!
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