I thought I would disrupt the flow of images from the steamy Mekong Delta to show you what has been happening here at home, in Istanbul.

We've had a solid eight days of snow falling on our fair city. Glistening icicles stabbing toward frozen ground, frosted domes, and that delightful crunch under boots... it has been magical!
Welcome to İstanbul. These are beautiful photos as usual.
Looks beautiful but cold.
btw I emailed you on address from your website. Hope you got it.
lovely photos! i got to visit Istanbul in December - and fell in love. The snow adds even more magic!
At the moment there is MORE snow in Istanbul than there is here in Ontario!!! Today in southwest Ont. sun is shining and sidewalks bare but 28 degrees fahrenheit (sorry, i'm old, celsius confuses)... Having said that I've probably baited the fates to bring about a blizzard! Istanbul in snow does looks magical - Ontario cities...not so much!
Beautiful Photos. I love Istanbul, I visit often as my sister lives there. :)
Thank you so much, everyone!
Istanbul is loveliest in the Spring, but goodness, sometimes in the bleakness of winter, a poetry is found that cannot exist at any other time of the year.
It sure looks cold! Great photos!
Thanks, Serena!
It was ridiculously cold— I had on at least three layers!
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