On a fine, bluish afternoon, Pedro, Pema and I took the art students to Boudhanath Stupa to sketch. For the older kids, this was a rare treat; to be able to leave school grounds to draw in public, and for the younger students, who had never done something like this before, it was utter excitement. Due to the high risk of child trafficking in Nepal, students are not allowed out of the school gates until their final year at SMD, so getting to explore the world outside their dorm room windows was a unique thrill. Their concentration was astounding— the wee ones drew for nearly two hours without losing focus or interest, and the older kids looked after them like hawks, offering advice and making sure the little artists were comfortable.

Just look at all those beautiful smiles!
How can I not keep returning?
The way you observe things around has a unique aesthetic point.
Thank you, Bora.
Thank you for sharing your part of the world with us. The photos are beautiful.
Thank you so much, Vicky.
It's amazing how you inspire these kids. Love the photos of the day.
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