You never know when you'll bump into a familiar face. That handsome fellow in the centre of the above picture, is none other than Mr. Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Turkish Republic. Why he was so far from home is a mystery— the shop owner had no idea who he was and how he got there, he just thought the mask was lovely and could fetch some cash. I have this uncanny knack for stumbling upon the Turkish embassies or neighbourhoods of the cities I visit, but this time, in Kathmandu's Durbar Square, I found Turkey's founder. What an odd and pleasant surprise— it had me chuckling to myself all day long.

Ataturk in Kathmandu? this is really but really weird! I love the photo:)
May I share on FB?
I know, right?
I was shocked and thrilled! I just about died of laughter— what is he doing there?
Please do share it :)
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