Last week Harika quietly turned six. Whether you just stumbled upon my blog or have been a habitual reader, thank you so much for coming along with me on my adventures. I have deeply appreciated your kind words and all the ideas you have shared with me over the past six years. Here's to more drawing, more travelling, and more tea— here's to seven!
Ta dah! Very nice - thank you for sharing wonderful photographs and drawings! They always make my day. David
Thank you for "being on the air" for six years!!!!
That in itself is quite a feat and I for one am looking forward to many more years of stories, glorious food, fantastic pictures and did I mention fascinating stories?
Your photos are quite artistic in composition. I really enjoy them. I am one of those who pop in from time to time. The other day your road trip took you though such rugged land and then a water milfoil. Charming and beautiful.
Thank you Dave, Barbara, and Alex! I am so happy that you enjoy my blog, and that you keep visiting. More adventures are on the horizon...
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