At times the wind was outrageous today, scarves went flying and tarps were barely being held down by their thick knotted ropes. The Yeşilköy market was jampacked— I was bumped, pushed and squeezed into tiny spaces between people and tables. This is to be expected, and I am quite used to it, but there were moments when I wanted to jab the other women with my pointy elbows and bulldoze my way toward the summer dresses.
I stopped for an ayran and a spinach and cheese gözleme at the delicious "café" that I found the last time I was at the market, and the minute I pulled out my sketchbook and pen, the waiter came over with a big smile and an "I remember you!" I hadn't been since February, so I was really impressed. And it felt good. People were in great spirits today, with many of the vendors joking around and goofing off— especially when my camera was spotted.

Those are really nice photos. I still think you should be a photojournalist :)
Everytime I come here I feel hungry :D
Haha! Thanks :)
I get hungry all the time here!
Glad you like the photos.
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