Saturday, August 8, 2009

into the woods

I am now in New Hampshire for a week of lobster rolls, fireflies, trees, and staring at lakes before I head back to the hustle and bustle of Istanbul. It's so peaceful here; the silence is broken by birdsong, cricket chirps and the shushing of wind finding its way through leaves. This is the perfect place for drinking tea and reading books on porches, which I am off to do right now.


redrock said...

I hope you enjoy your East Coast swing and I hope you picked up the corde lisse while you were in SF! I recognize the tabel and chairs in your sketch from the little french cafe outside the green gate on Grant. I sat out there and sketched the stone lions and those great lamp posts with golden dragons. I also followed your advice and had a "bowl" of coffee in the lime green coffee shop over on Hayes. Once again I am in your debt! I will be traveling to Istanbul in 3 weeks and staying near the blue mosque so keep an eye out for another sketcher in your town.

szaza said...

Thank you, Charlie.
I'm so glad you made it to Café de la Presse– it's one of my favourite SF spots. I hope you have a wonderful time exploring the rest of the city!