I was really lucky to have been given the opportunity to attend a workshop in Zagreb last weekend, and due to the timings of available flights, I had a good chunk of time to explore the city. Being that it was also my birthday, Pedro came along— searching for Zagreb's feathered residents while I learned about Service Learning.

Everything was so... clean. The streets were litter-free, public spaces well-kept, people looked put together, there was an absence of traffic, no one was screaming... it was wonderful. Granted I was a tourist, and only seeing it in a frozen February when most people were huddling indoors, but it really seemed to be a peaceful and orderly city. The architecture was beautiful and there were cafés everywhere, and there appeared to be a museum for everything (including one for broken relationships— but we'll get to that later). I was enchanted.

While in Zagreb, we packed in as many museum visits as possible— and were fortunate to have arrived in time for Croatia's ninth annual Night of the Museums, when nearly all museums in the country are free from six in the evening until one in the morning. Having researched and planned nothing before setting foot off the plane, everything seemed fortuitous; we had no idea what to expect and were in a constant state of happy surprise. Sometimes, this might just be one of the best ways to travel!

Museum lovers, get ready for some photos!
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